Real Estate Technology Forecast
Learn which technologies are on the rise and which have peaked. The real estate technology forecast graphs below are based on millions of searches, conversations and mentions across the internet.
Learn which technologies are on the rise and which have peaked. The real estate technology forecast graphs below are based on millions of searches, conversations and mentions across the internet.
Before understanding any options, consider the value proposition for your project. If you plan on selling residential or commercial projects under $2 million, we recommend sticking to renderings, animations and/or virtual tours.
Projects over $2 million should invest into telling a better visual narrative. Cutting-edge immersive technologies do that by enhancing the story of your project and allow the viewer to understand entire spaces.
VR, or virtual reality, is completely immersive within a virtual space. Augmented reality, or AR, incorporates virtual objects within the real world. MR, or mixed reality, merges the virtual and real world. XR, or extended reality, is the catch-all phrase for VR, AR & MR.
In our Porter Del Ray case study, we delve into the simplest of VR: the structural walkthrough.
While virtual reality has been around for decades, interest level peaked in 2017 after the release of the original Oculus Rift. AR & MR continues to climb in the business sectors due to it’s price point and targeted solutions in healthcare and construction. However, wider adoption could come sooner from Apple or Google due to the need for immersive virtual meetings. Extended reality (XR) continues to have the largest growth due to being the catch-all phrase for VR, AR & MR.
While the goal of Artificial Intelligence in software is to replace the artist, Augmented Intelligence is using the same software to enhance the 3D artist.
As both versions of AI continue to increase in interest, the trend is here is here to stay. When working with AI systems, we see the best use is to create a baseline understanding so it can remove the mundane tasks from an artist.
Does that mean they work less or should be paid less? Usually not as the creative artists always find ways to improve their craft when given more time. Watch the video to see what AI can do to remove a mundane task (replace a sky) and what a 3D artist does to improve the scene now that they have more time.